Red, White and Royal Blue Crossword Puzzle

Disclaimer: I did this pre-social isolation and world melting but never posted it due to having realized I scanned the puzzle before I drew the inner lines. I no longer have access to a scanner (was using the one at my University’s library) and cannot fix it but wanted to put this out! I will have the answers linked within the week on this post if I don’t have a new puzzle up.

It turns out that moving countries and starting graduate school completely changed my life schedule. So I abandoned my crossword puzzling life. I have jumped back on my hobby.

I adore Red, White and Royal Blue (read my glowing review), so I thought that paired with the US/UK connection, made this the perfect book to come back with. Normally my crosswords have been about fantasy or sci-fi ,but I am open to doing contemporary fiction. Though my most recent puzzle was for Pride and Prejudice and I never posted an answer key, so here that is! I think I might start keeping the answer key contained in the same post just in case I ghost crossword puzzles in the future again.

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I think that to improve legibility; I am going to start typing the crossword questions within the post. I might take that back if it drastically increases the workload, this is a hobby, and I am legit unsure how many people have any level of investment in it. But I am trying to improve the experience!

I am trying to be more varied in the words I use. Attempting a mix of easy and thinkers and adding more well-known quotes in the mix. Any suggestions for improvement or future puzzles can go in the comments (I have no idea how convenient my comments are, I probably need to figure that out), this google form, instagram, twitter, or!

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Crossword Puzzle Clues

#7 Across and # 14 Across - Henry has a key to the #7 Across and #14 Across Museum 


1 - Founding Father oft-quoted in the romantic correspondence; also unintentional voyeur during the State Dinner

4 - The Queen tells Catherine she is too “____- hearted”

7 - Above

10 - Henry’s ridiculous hobby Alex grows to appreciate over time

11 - US hosted State Event post-wedding

13 - After the election, Alex tells Henry “We ___”

14 - Above

17 - “ The smell of burnt strawberry milkshake on a sweaty ___ guy is really something.”

20 -Hobby of our favorite former Navy SEAL

22 - Pants for white people

24 - “I am one of you. As long as I have a place in this ____ ___, so will you. I am the First Son of the United States, and I’m bisexual. History will remember us.”

25 - Character who rides a motorbike 

28 - POTUS

30 - Constellation Henry is looking for alone right before their first kiss

31 - President’s favorite secret service agent

32 - Pants Alex wears

33 - City Alex and Henry first met

35 - POTUS’s Deputy Chief of Staff

37 - Zahra says “I can’t wait to not ___ you for two days,” to Alex as she leaves for Christmas

38 - The most sinister of all animal sounds

39 - Henry and Alex kiss under one of these in the garden

42 - The University Nora transferred from

43 - Henry’s title, part of it at least

44 - Also a genocidal empire, no monarchy

47 - Alex and Luna’s relationship revolves around this candy

49 - Grand Marshall at DC Pride while Alex is in Nevada

50 - Snack food Alex thinks is called Jabba (singular)

52 - State Henry hails from 

53 - The measurement to show how massive the wedding cake was

55 - “he’s too perfect. Alex wants to ___ it.”

56 - Henry’s favorite book according to his fact sheet

59 - one word) Alex to Liam: “Can we ___ this weekend? Let’s ___ this weekend. I’m in town all weekend. Let’s ___ this weekend.”

60 - The B isn’t silent: A crash course on ____ Americans

62 - Alex wished he had gotten together with Henry earlier, he wishes he had kissed him and said: “Take anything you want and know you ____ to have it.”

63 - Henry’s dogs Hogwarts house.

64 - Character who thinks straight people “probably don't spend this much time convincing themselves that they're straight” OR First Son of Cheese Shopping and Blowjobs, First Son of Making Me Spill My Tea in Said Early Morning Meeting, First Son of Questionable Late Night Emails

65 - “Thinking about history makes me wonder how I’ll fit into it one day, I guess. And you too. I kinda wish people still wrote like that. _____ ___? Bet we could make some.”

66 - First name of the person who won’t stop blowing up Nora’s phone. Also referred to as the “reigning data czar of DC”

67 - Percy Okonjo’s nickname

68 - Initialism for the night of the Gala/party/fundraiser June surprise invited Henry to

69 - Gay King who was madly in love with an exceptionally dim knight

70 - Character who burns sage in Nancy Reagan’s office


2 - Alex’s step-dad

3 - Calling Taylor Swift and telling her you changed your mind about going to her fourth of July party is not a “________ response.” Also a reference to #29 down

5 - #64 Across’ title 

6 - Who Alex calls during his sexual crisis. I love him.

8 - Alex’s primary turn-on

9 - Ancient Roman lovers Henry references in a note to Alex

11 - Henry’s favorite in this series is Return of the Jedi. He is wrong. 

12 - Form Alex has to sign before he visits Henry at Kensington 

15 - Catherine opens the window at this place to see a crowd in support of Henry

16 - the first name of a Senator from Colorado

18 - Alex drags Henry into this room to make out

19 - Alex might have vandalized Mitch McConnel’s office sign to read this

21 - In the V&A, Henry is talking about his childhood fantasy of slow dancing in front of the Blessed Mother, Alex asks “Aren’t you gonna ask if I know how to ____?”

23 - formal name for a royal stick

26 - Person who is described as “100 percent smarter than him and definitely too smart to  have ever dated him” by Alex/

27 - Family that is Kennedys + Bushes + Bizarro mafia old money sith powers”

29 - TV show Alex and Nora watch while pretending to have loud hotel sex

34 - Event where Alex ruins a cake

36 - “Henry stands there all soft and rumpled and smiling next to one of the most exquisite worts of ___ in the world.”

37 - The answer is sunset pink, I accidentally put a word from Truthwitch in the wrong puzzle. OR delete pink and: A post-plane Alex goes to see Henry after Polo, he is riding a white horse, dressed perfectly, and riding in a literal one of these.

40 - “Alex makes a mental note to figure out which shadowy gay noble taught Henry all this and send the man a fruit ____”

41 - King James Bible exists because of James flaunting his relationship with this man

45 - Political party #16 Down #49 Across

46 - Henry’s favorite English Author

48 - One can presume in the slightly better world of RWaRB #52 Down is still a part of this supra-national government organization

51 - “_____ _______ implies he’s actually a rival to me on any level and not, you know, a stuck-up product of inbreeding who probably jerks off to photos of himself.”

54 - State June and Alex are from

57 - One of Henry’s best email greetings: “To Alex, First Son of Off-Brand _____”

58 - Alex graduated summa cum laude from this University

59 - Horrible Revolting Heir, His Royal Horniness, Handsome Royal Heretic, 

60 - Henry’s sister

61 - Alex emails Henry and tells him they need to go to this Texas city

62 - Second half of #64 and #70 Across’ last name

Illuminae Crossword Puzzle (Round 2)

Review: The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold

Review: The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold