Six of Crows Crossword Puzzle

Six of Crows Crossword Puzzle

I have promised a crossword puzzle for Six of Crows for such a long time; I am finally here with the puzzle! I do plan to make puzzles for all of Leigh Bardugo’s books (Grishaverse + Ninth House), but I have no timeline at the moment.

I love this series, and I love that that is super not a unique opinion. If you are somehow here and are not yet converted to Leigh Bardugo, I would like to add to that mountain of encouragement.

Last week’s puzzle was for The Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu, and you can find a link here to do that puzzle! If you are here for the answers to that puzzle, you can find that here! Once my next puzzle is up I will have a link here and the answers to this week’s puzzle will be there too!

I hope you enjoy my Six of Crows puzzle! If you have any suggestions I have a form here where you can pop those! Or feel free to email me at, thank you!

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“I want to feel safe again. I want to go home to 47 Down.”

“Then I’ll take you there. We’ll set fire to raisins or whatever you heathens do for fun.”

82 Down,” she said weakly.

75 Down.”


“Nina,” he whispered, “little red bird. Don’t go.”

"It's not natural for someone to be as 74 Down as he is 64 Across, and yet there you stand.”

“The heart is an 35 Down. 43 Down demands aim to land true.”

“Who’d deny a poor 3 Across his 4 Down?”

“If the 3 Across is you, then any man with sense.”

“It was because she was listening so closely that she knew the exact moment when Kaz Brekker, 40 Across, the bastard of the 16 Across and deadliest boy in Ketterdam, 20 Down.”


5. Sharpens and hones a Grisha’s senses

6. Item of clothing Kaz always wears

7. No 7

8. Nina’s Grisha ability

10. The only law that applied to her was gravity

12. The Dregs territory

14. “Name” of man who manipulates Jordie

19. The wellspring

20. Instrument Wylan plays

21. Name Kaz adopts after Jordie’s death

23. “She felt hope rustling its 23 Across inside her, ready to take flight at the right word from Kaz.”

24. Oomen loses this bit of himself

25. Scientist the Crows must find 

27. Nina works in The House of the ____ Rose

28. Country the Crows journey to

32. Prison visited to retrieve Matthias

34. Imprisoned Druskelle 

39. Inej’s ethnicity 

41. Hoede’s personal Squaller

42. Badass that loves waffles

44. Nina learned all she could about Fjerda so she would not have this for them

45. Six-story object Inej climbs

48. Young lovesick guard

49. The Dregs insurance policy

50. Sound Kaz wished to bottle

53. Nationality of coveted Bo Yul Bayur 

55. City our gang are assembled in

58. Title of the woman who owns #1 Down

60. Impenetrable fortress the Crows must breach 

61. “When everyone knows you’re a 61 Across, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing.”

62. The firepox was later called the Queen’s Lady ____

65. Who hired Kaz to retrieve Bo Yul Bayur

70. Nina’s eye color

71. “The life you live, the hate you feel—it’s 71 Across. I can drink it no longer.”

72. Holy tree

77. Nina snorted. “Matthias the 77 Across.” “The big, brooding, yellow 77 Across.”

78. Part of the Ice Court with mysterious water source

79. Witchhunters

80. “I will have you without 80 Across, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.”

81. Small island nation

82. Jesper’s mother’s nationality

83. Matthias has to kill two of these animals when we first see him


1. ‘Exotic’ brothel

2. Inej has these named for the Saints

3. When Kaz offers Matthias money he says “You can keep your money. ____ on it.”

5. Who Kaz wishes to get revenge for

6. Masters of the small science

9. “Among them, it passed for 'good luck.”

11. Kaz assembles a group to do one of these with a high pay out

13. Who Kaz wants to destroy brick by brick

14. Councilman who experiments with jurda parem

15. What the Dregs call Inej

17. Who is actually rescued from the Ice Court

18. Kaelish gang

19. Matthias thinks Nina coming to rescue him is one of these

22. Together, they drifted, Jordie’s distended body acting as a 22 Down.

26. First of Hoede’s Grisha to disappear

29. Came to Ketterdam to go to University

30. Head of The Dregs

31. Jesper carries two of these

33. Ravkan Grisha made to heal an injured boy on jurda parem

36. Run-down house belonging to the Dregs

37. What keeps Grisha consuming jurda parem and easily controlled

38. Fjerdan for demon

46. What Jesper loves more than luck loves him

51. Who owns 1 Down

52. Where Matthias is from

54. Drink intertwined with memories of Jordie and the Hertzoons

56. Inej climbs the incinerator holding 70 feet of this

57. Animal sacred to Fjerdan’s

59. “Inej was one of the best 59 Down Kaz had ever made”

60. What the crows escape The Ice Court in

63. Hertzoon’s daughter

66. In the prisoners cart Kaz thinks he is surrounded by these

67. Inej and Jesper both deep in this

68. Food Nina loves

69. Gang our group is a part of

73. Animal on Kaz’s cane

76. What killed Jordie

81. Single minded and hell bent on revenge

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