Currently Reading: King of Scars

Starting part two of King of Scars!

I’m 100% not having any issues with the pacing of this book. I actually am really enjoying how the story just keeps layering steadily. And how mysterious so many things are.

I am also so impressed with the different ways Leigh Bardugo is showing us that everyone was effected by their past traumas. We are really being pressed into the ways these people are grappling with the war, with the events of Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, with the discrimination from being Grisha, with being a woman in a world that does not view you as capable, and with a myriad of other actions these characters are still working through.

I am very compelled by the personal hurts showing us the mass trauma of war. And I need to know what’s going on on like five different levels.

Starting with: is Hanne’s father who I think Hanne’s father is?????

Reading King of Scars. Major SPOILERS.

Currently Reading: King of Scars