The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

This book was so fucking good. I am not going to lie, I did think there were bits that were way to slow. The beginning pulled me in but the middle made me able to put the book down for about a month (though in its defense I did think about what was going to happen often, and read the whole book in two sittings) but the slower pace of the beginning is totally needed for the rest of the book to happen as it did. I thought I guessed the twist, then I convinced myself the twist would not happen then it did anyway and I was floored. Which was only for one of the MANY. No spoilers. It is shocking how many times you fall for the same trick you laugh at the characters for falling for. Lying is apparently for mortals and Holly Black. Who admittedly is also a mortal. God damn. This book. I have been listening to lots of nonfiction audiobooks and was kind of unable to actually sit down and just read but I have been cured. My bank account is about to hate me because I am going to become a Holly Black devotee. Read this book. Also, give me book two. I love books that make me think I wonā€™t love them, then turn around and make me love them. Thatā€™s the best.

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads and read it from January 4th to February 7th, 2018. 

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