The Selection


The Selection by Kiera Cass

Okay before I do this review I am going to say two things. 1. We don’t all have to have the same opinions and 2. I am not trying to offend or belittle anyone who loves this book.

Having said that I didn’t really like this book very much. I wanted it to be my guilty pleasure book series! It looked light and fun and like something I would maybe think was cute. I tried to like it, I tried to ignore the things I found ridiculous about this book but I could not. 

The good things I will say about this book are that it is easy to read and the cover is so pretty. Also the next two books have better reviews on goodreads so maybe they get better!

I don’t want to go into what I didn’t like, so I am going to end here! I have read about the horror stories about leaving this book bad reviews but I just wanted to be honest about my feelings. I like people who like this book, I am going to keep the book on my shelf and maybe if someone gave the the next one I might read it if I needed something I could knock out in two or three hours and had limited options. This book was not for me but that doesn’t mean you will not love it. I assume we are different in many ways and if you like this book I hope we can happily agree to disagree. 

Book 26 of 50! I am thinking of upping my book count to 70! I am almost on track for 70 books this year so I might try that.

Clockwork Princess

Clockwork Prince