These Broken Stars Crossword Puzzle

I am moving to London this week! This is heavily correlated to this weeks These Broken Stars crossword puzzle because this is my airplane book. I don’t think why, but reading about these two crazy kids surviving a spaceship crash dissolves a lot of my worry about being on a plane. Then I am too interested in the drama of it all to focus on the metal tube I am trapped inside of. Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner are lifesavers.  

Well, except when they kill our faves.

I hope you like this puzzle! It is a bit of a long one, next week I have a much smaller puzzle! I’m moving to England so I’ll be throwing a Pride and Prejudice one up! Then I need to find a place to scan in London. I might need to buy a printer I guess.

Here is a link to the answers to last weeks The Storm Crow crossword puzzle!

Link to the next puzzle! It is Pride and Prejudice!

These Broken Stars Crossword Puzzle_Page_1.jpg
These Broken Stars Crossword Puzzle_Page_3.jpg


7 - how many days before the accident did Lilac and Tarver meet

8 - what Tarver grabs from his room during the chaos

9 - this solar powered object is in the supplies

12 - the ship is torn out of this

14 - where Lilac and Tarver sleep before the avalanche 

15 - what Lilac wears that belonged to a dead woman

17 - the power does this while evacuation is happening (singular)

18 - the whispers are from a different _____

19 - (2 words) phrase repeated during the ships tremors 

25 - (2 words) who everyone wants a picture with

28 - emulating this era is popular

30 - (2 words) Alec says Lilac is this to Tarver; also a female assistant

33 - (singular) the big cat leaves this sign of existence 

34 - Lilac’s well armed giggling companion 

35 - Lilac wonders if this natural phenomenon is hygenic

36 - this creature tries to eat Lilac

39 - Lilac and this person can both “threaten without threatening, bully without raising a hand”

40 - Lilac’s flirtatious cousin and keeper

41 - last name of #74 and #39 across 

42 - Location of Simon’s house OR Location of Lilac’s summer house

45 - Lilac and Tarver witness the ___ of the planet they were stranded on

46- mythic name of ship our story starts on

47 - what is done to make planets habitable by humans

50 - this weather was encountered while in the mountains

51 - Tarver digs these for six people (singular)

52 - Lilac does this to wires, aided by her fingernails

54 - Lilac’s name for the lifeform encountered

56 - symbol of LaRoux Industries

58 - the hallucinations are accompanied by this full body symptom

61 - (3 words) Lilac’s strength that Tarver found “very useful” at the crash site

64 - where Tarver was cut

65 - Tarver gets ____ thanks to that cut

67 - (2 words) the smell of this makes Lilac feel faint

69 - (2 words) event Lilac’s dream saves them from

70 - “Lilac took ____. Lilac bleed out.”

72 - “This ship isn’t a maze-- it’s a ____.”

74 -the untouchable toxic flower at the center of the story

75 - If Lilac can operate a gun she will have these

76 - Lilac tests these for her explosion

78 - super orbital reflectors also failed on this planet

79 - (2 words) all passengers are told to make their way to these

80 - Tarver finds a pod full of people who are this

81 - Anna often does this with people other than her date

82 - Lilac jokes about hot-wiring one of these in the frontier


1 - color of Lilac’s dress on the day of the crash

2 - part of the flower with an imperfection 

3 - Tarver’s mother plants these

4 - color of the imperfect flower

5 - Tarvers house is surrounded by these

6 - The war hero who has to trust what he cannot see

7 - Tarver’s father's profession

10 - Lilac’s nickname

11 - number of moons that they think are orbiting the planet 

13 - (singular) tarver wants to know if he has any of these also vying for Lilacs attention

14 - solid item the whispers make for Lilac and Tarver

16 - how many people Tarver buried from the downed pod

20 - (2 words) Where Tarver invited Lilac on the ship

21 - type of courts Lilac used to blow stuff up on

22 - (2 words) poet, gardiner, mother

23 - very important thing that must be found in the wreck

24 - Lilac’s friend that is devoted to chasing trends

25 - also “super-orbital reflector”

26 - last item Tarver grabs before heading to his pod

27 - (2 words) title of book tarver holds at the party

29 -electronics genius, soldier, young love

31- thing Lilac is good at from her old life that is useful to her before blowing up the door

32 delacours - Lilac’s pumps

37 - first strange and familiar feature of the mystery planet

38 - Tarver didn’t tell Lilac that it would be cold on one of these

43 - being this is the fastest way to get a man to lose interest

44 - modifier often used about Mss. LaRoux’s nose

45 dog tags - (2 words) thing in Tarver’s bag that validated Lilac's hallucinations

48 - all gentlemen's sons are in these

49 - casual item of clothing Tarver gets from the shipwreck 

53 - plastic like material commonly used

55 - Item that goes missing from the shed while Lilac is on a morning walk

57 - reply to “Major, to what extent did you act on your feelings to Miss LaRoux?” also maybe my favorite line.

59 - what Lilac drops before her first meeting with Tarver

60 - shape repeatedly painted on walls of building 

62 - the “brightest light of all” where Lilac’s home is

63 - Lilac tells Tarver to order her one of these

66 - the whispers do this to the light to communicate in the lab

68 - their only weapon

69 - terraforming means Lilac and Tarver expect these on the planet

71 - Planet where Tarver’s heroics made him famous

73 - the “live” band is actually a this 

77 - Tarver’s ex he calls for

78 - dead soldier who visits as a hallucination

Sorted: Growing Up, Coming Out, and Finding My Place (A Transgender Memoir) by Jackson Bird

Sorted: Growing Up, Coming Out, and Finding My Place (A Transgender Memoir) by Jackson Bird

The Storm Crow Crossword Puzzle