Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Yes Please is Amy Poehler's collection of essays, and as a person who is on her 5th (this is a guess, it could be more) rewatch of Parks and Recreation I was interested in real Leslie Knope. 

Did I listen to this whole book today in one go while I did a mind-numbing task at work? Yes. 

Was it occasionally hard to do this work due to my laughter and tears? Yes. 

Would I make this choice again if I had to do today over? Yes Please! (See what I did?)

This book was so much fun. I toyed with giving it a 4 and not a 5 for a moment but then I realized it had fulfilled all the promises of a celebrity memoir. She was funny, and smart, and gave some advice, and told fun stories about famous people. And isn’t that everything that you need in a memoir? While I read this book it made me feel like every time I had thought of Amy Poehler as a funny, kind, smart person I was probably correct. Unless she is also a massive lier. Her book rocked. I’m still pretty jazzed

I gave this book a 5 on Goodreads, though I went back and forth between 4 and 5. 

I would recommend this book to anyone who liked any of Amy Poehler’s work, people who like improv, and people who like funny kick-ass smart humans. 

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