

by Tammara Webber

I don’t read a lot of straight up romance (aside from the novel this is the companion to/sort of sequel of I haven’t read any in a long time) but this book (and its predecessor Easy) give me hope that the romance genre can be wonderful, romantic, and still in line with my equality in a relationship and feminism values. Also the book has so much depth that I don’t think the cover really captures but  I am not a cover designer and I understand why this is the cover. But I did feel awkward buying this because I don’t have much experience in buying books that seem this outwardly mushy. But I needed it on the first day and could not wait for it to be delivered. 

I loved this probably as much as I loved Easy. If you haven’t read Easy, do it as soon as you can it is so fantastic! This book is Easy form Lucas’ perspective along with scenes from when he was younger. It is an equally heart wrenching story about the way assault can effect the people who experience it and those around them. It also has an amazing romantic story. How can everyone who is romantically interested in men not love Lucas? It seems impossible. 

I loved the little surprises about Lucas that we didn’t get from Easy and the epilogue was wonderful. I probably swooned like ten times while reading. I bought and finished this book on the day it came out if that shows how much I liked it. 

I recommend this to anyone who likes a good romance that doesn’t set women back 50 years in terms of relationship balance and expectations. But read Easy first. Easy is so good. 

Book 20 of 50! 40% done! :D

Clockwork Angel

Thirteen Reasons Why