Clockwork Angel

Clockwork Angel


by Cassandra Clare

My thoughts on this book are still a little mixed. I liked it a lot but there were a few things that bothered me a little. Like how slow the first 200 pages were, it took me two days to read them and then I read the last 270 ish in like 2 and a half hours, it was just odd pacing, and I could tell some things were meant to make me intrigued but after the first like ten pages I was a little bored until the after the first 200 pages were done. Also (and I know this is blasphemy in the Cassandra Clare fandom) I didn’t like Will. I have been told he will grow on me, but I don’t see how really because he seems mean. Don’t spoil me if you want to convince me he is wonderful, just let me read and make up my own mind. The last thing on the negative side is that it made me dislike the whole shadowhunter culture more than I already did. I know a lot of the major problems are solved in City of Glass and that you are meant to dislike the rampant discrimination against downworlders and mundanes (like the terms alone are demeaning) but it just seems like if they hadn’t instated a supernatural apartheid they would have way less problems.Ā 

Positives! despite my previous paragraph I did like this book. The other Cassandra Clare books I read I found predictable and I did not find this one to be predictable (this could be because I was bored for 200 pages and didn’t pay enough attention but I would like to think it was because it was well crafted), I really enjoyed the twists in this book. I also liked the call backs to the characters in The Mortal Instruments books, that was lovely, Church the cat and Magnus were the best ones.Ā 

I would recommend this to anyone who liked the Mortal Instruments books.Ā 

Book 21 of 50. I am so pumped that I am four books ahead of schedule.

Now I am off to read City of Fallen Angels! I might break up the Cassandra Clare with some other books so I don’t get too repetitive but I might now stop until May 27th! Ā 

CIty of Fallen Angels
