City of Bones


by Cassandra Clare

Yes I have been sucked into this series (and all its derivatives). But the second book I read today was not a YA book at all so that is a little better!

If you haven’t read this series than you have probably heard about it, before reading them I had heard positive and negative things about the books but I did like it a lot! If you like YA fantasy ish stuff than it is a good bet you will like this. Probably just if you like YA at all. It was very good. There were dialogue awkwardness’s, and it was sort of predictable but nothing really to complain much about. I loved how action packed the book was! I started it last night and had to stop after part one then spent all of today trying to read while not in class or studying for finals. I finished after class and it was hard to look normal in public with that many emotions running through me, The texts my friend who gifted me the book received were very colorful.

Book 14 of 50!

What Teachers Make
