What Teachers Make


by Taylor Mali

I was at the bookstore getting the second and third Mortal Instruments (I ordered the rest online because that series is hurting my wallet) and some other books and had to put them all down one a book table so I couls sort what I was getting and what I was putting back. I happened to put the books over the stack of this book, when I saw the title I thought “That has the same name as a really awesome poem by Taylor Mali!” then I saw it was by Taylor Mali and it pushed a book in my “buy” pile out.Ā 

I read it today, it is a relatively short read. But it is a very good read. I enjoyed every page and even thought I had heard Taylor Mali preform most of the poetry he had sprinkled through out the book I still cried while reading them! I also laughed at the stories, but most importantly I was inspired by what teachers make.

Here is a link to Taylor Mali preforming the poem the title comes from:


Book 15 of 50

CIty of Ashes

City of Bones