Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

I love this whole series. But book two is excellent. Rowling is really a terrific plotter. I want so badly to ask her if she had the idea for hallows and horcruxes while writing books one? Did it come to her in book two? Was there just a miracle and she had all of this perfectly set up for book seven. I know she has said she had the story basically plotted before she wrote it but I want to know how much very badly.
This was probably the first time I cried reading book two. Probably. That I can remember at least. Again I have read these books so many times. I really loved the way things jump out at you as SO IMPORTANT when you have read the series already but are completely a minor detail in the middle of a paragraph when you are really more concerned about house points at the moment.
Something I particularly liked about this book was the hobbies the kids had in book one that ended up being important to the plot didnā€™t suddenly disappear. Ron still plays chess, etc. I really wish I was able to write a review that was even a little bit about the book. But I can only gush like a crazy person.
Now my whole body is ready for book three. The drama gets pretty deep.

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads and read it on May 29th, 2018. 

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