Hey New People!

There are a buncha new people here! I am so jazzed that some people are somewhat interested in my bizarre little segment of the internet. 

I’m Bayley! I’m 25 and a recent-ish graduate with a Political Science degree. I am making hesitant steps towards grad school. I think that is all the non-book information that one could find interesting. 

Most of the new people seem to be coming from the Grishaverse fandom and The Witchlands fandom, so hello intense awesome fantasy people! 

I am obsessed with fantasy. I read a ton of it. I read YA and adult and middle grade. But I read other genre’s too!

I love nonfiction, I love sci-fi (and I am trying to read more), I love a serious YA contemporary, I am a sucker for a fluffy YA romance, and I read a little literary fiction. Also, I read some political theory, thanks college

I think it is important to know where people are coming from in book discourse! I open every book hoping it will become my new favorite book. In the spreadsheet, I keep of all the books I have read that year I have an extra column for extra stars because I am a massive sucker for effusive praise. This does not mean I don’t read critically or value a critical lense when reading. I am always here for an in-depth discussion about plot structure or character development or representation. And I always want to know if I am overlooking something major, especially if it is harmful to a marginalized group of people.

I am absolutely addicted to giving book recommendations, and just as into receiving them! My messages/asks are always open to either! Tell me what you love! 

I will also issue my blanket apology for:

  • rambling posts

  • overuse of exclamation points

  • simultaneous over and underuse of commas (sorry every English teacher I ever had)

  • saying the word totally too often

Also, this isn’t my main blog! My main blog is just reblogging stuff I like, not need to follow it if you are here for books, but if I like your stuff it’s going to be from bayleya! 

If you want to find me else where here is my Goodreads and instagram!

Ask me whatever, whenever. Tell me all your favorite books. I’m down for whatever.

New Books 2/28/19

Currently Reading: Crooked Kingdom