How to Read Literature Like a Professor

By Thomas C Foster.
I finished this book two days ago on a plane and am just getting around to writing this. This was my second book of 2014 and it really should be finishing of book three time but January has been a crazy month! 


This was a book I was assigned to read in high school but didn’t because I was to cool to read books assigned to me. I should have read it in high school, it would have made analyzing novels we were assigned so much easier.

This was a great book and I would recommend it to everyone. It was informative, thoughtful, and surprisingly funny. I laughed out loud more than some books meant to be humorous. It had lovely insight into the words of authors and how you should think about them, it did all this and managed not to take itself to seriously. It was hugely enjoyable and I loved every word. It has already made me start looking at works I have read in the past differently so I have high hopes it will help me to find more meaning in books (and short stories and movies and really any fictional story i am told in any medium) I read in the future.

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