The Gilded Wolves Crossword Puzzle

I think I have gone overboard on this puzzle. Apologies to The Gilded Wolves, I made your puzzle far too massive. It certainly seems to work as a The Gilded Wolves summary in part because it is huge. I believe it is so massive because making a crossword puzzle has sort of become a way to process information while being focused elsewhere.

Making this puzzle has certainly gotten me ready for The Silvered Serpents! And I happen to have an ARC, so I will certainly be getting to it soon. In the meantime, the last puzzle was Aurora Burning which can be found at this link! And if you want the answers to that that can be found here!

Any suggestions can be submitted on this form, or emailed to

Next weekā€™s puzzle is Throne of Glass, which I have had for forever and will finally be up Monday!

The Gilded Wolves Crossword_Page_2.jpg
The Gilded Wolves Crossword_Page_4.jpg

Here is a link to a printable PDF of this crossword!

Quotes - Fill-in-the-Blank

ā€œForging was a power of 5 Down rivaled only by the work of 56 Across.

But one House 90 Across.

And another Houseā€™s line died without an 26 Down.

Now all that is left is a 53 Across.ā€

ā€œNothing but a symbol? People die for 1 Across. People have hope because of 1 Across. They're not just lines. They're histories, cultures, traditions, given 54 Down.ā€

ā€œYou donā€™t know what youā€™re stopping,ā€ the man wheezed. ā€œThis is the start of something new. A true 13 Across.ā€

Finally, Tristan placed his hand over SĆ©verinā€™s, stacking their scars before saying: ā€œI 16 Across youā€

ā€œ19 Across, my love, just like the universe, owes you neither explanation nor rationale.ā€

ā€œSomeone with a 27 Across affinity could influence one of three material states: 33 Down, solids, or gasses.ā€

ā€œOnly half, according to our man in the police force. Guess what two places theyā€™re guarding the most?ā€ ā€œ49 Across and 83 Across,ā€ guessed Zofia.

ā€œSo, I added a bit of blood Forging to my letter to make sure that 50 Across but the thief could read itā€

ā€œ55 Across were everywhere. In politics, on thrones, in beds. They cut their teeth on 32 Down and grew fat on 81 Across.ā€

ā€œ4 Down grew in places unlit by knowledgeā€

ā€œI could make you an angel, Monsieur Montagnet-Alarieā€¦ Or I could make you a 9 Down.ā€

ā€œThat boy looks like every dark corner of a 15 Down. The wolf in 31 Down. The 91 Across in a witch's palm.ā€

ā€œMake yourself a 30 Down and live within it, so that you belong to no one but yourself.ā€

ā€œWhen you are who they expect you to be, they never look too closely. If you're furious, let it be 43 Down.ā€

ā€œHis love and his fear and his own cracked mind made it easy to convince him that 47 Down you was saving youā€

ā€œ60 Down is just a fancy word for thievery, my dear wallets. I am simply embodying what I was innately born with, you see?ā€


6. Source of all forging power

8. Theming for the gardens Tristan created

11. A Forge material first developed in ancient Egypt that retained the shape

of prints

12. Symbol for House Nyx

14. Mask Laila has made for Enrique

17. Hypnosā€™ note says this

20. What Zofias affinity is for

23. Chinese disguise Enrique uses

25. Laila is one of these, having moved from one country to another

28. Severin should be head of this

29. ā€œ____ bugā€ - Forged items that record images and sound

31. Animals missing from the grounds of Lā€™Eden

34. What Zofiaā€™s sister calls her

36. Worldā€™s fair

38. Activist character

39. Zofiaā€™s sister

40. A failsafe which put the object to sleep

46. There are four houses in the French chapter of this

51. SĆ©verinā€™s hotel

52. An ancient book the Fallen House are searching for

57. Severinā€™s mother

59. Hypnos is descended from enslaved people of this island nationality

61. House Koreā€™s country estate

62. What SĆ©verin called Delphine Desrosiers as a child

64. Item Hypnos has a plan to copy

65. Trust in the house

67. Nickname for Zofia

72. Two-word nickname Hela has for Zofia

75. Tristanā€™s tarantula

77. Villian who dances with Zofia

79. Character who is great at math

82. Another word for The Eye of Horus 

86. Name of Hypnosā€™ house

87. Only word found on the clock

88. What is required for Laila to read objects

89. Over-the-top character who teams up with our main group

92. Can sniff out and follow any trace of an object that had been House marked by a matriarchā€™s or patriarchā€™s ring


1. What Laila bakes for Zofia

2. Type of clock of the Fallen House

3. What the call forging in India

6. Kind of magic used

7. Once these are house-marked they are traceable

8. Found in the ruins of Pompeii in the 1740s, commissioned by the King of Naples

10. Tristan and Severin have matching these on their hands

16. Tristanā€™s affinity was particularly strong in this matter

18. Lailas second job

21. Enriqueā€™s motherā€™s nationality

22. Parisā€™s most exclusive cabaret

24. City the story takes place in

28. Man who accosted Zofia and Enrique had this as a pendant 

29. Madman

35. Enriqueā€™s father is from this country

36. School Zofia went to

37. Garden Laila meets Tristan near

39. Misspelled! Should be Horus Eye but is Horace Eye

41. A rare delicacy, trapped and drowned in Armagnac, a regional cognac, then roasted and eaten whole

42. Zofia belongs to this religious minority

44. Hypnos is the patriarch of this

45. The Mystery

48. Has a seam along her spine

53. Animal on the Vanth ring

58. European-educated Filipinos who dreamed of reform to their Spanish-controlled


63. Word that indicates that people have the ability to forge

66. Hypnos is known for these (plural)

68. The group must break into the vault belonging to this group

69. Where Laila is from

70. Tristan forges Laila a purple one of these

71. Enriqueā€™s native language

73. Doors that look like mirrors

74. This tower is a focus of #36 Across

76. Character who is described as having a ā€œcracked mindā€

78. Symbol for House Kore

80. What Zofia was affected for

84. His goal is to become a Patriarch

85. Means brother

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Aurora Burning Crossword Puzzle