Truthwitch Crossword Puzzle

I have finally completely finished my Truthwitch Crossword puzzle! When I was first starting my crossword puzzle making process, I immediately knew I wanted to make puzzles for all of Susan Dennard's books and made the word list and answer sheet almost a year ago. Then a series of events prevented me from making the clue sheet until now! But it is done, the word choosing was done a very long time ago, and it is maybe a touch harder than I would like. Still, I think the vast majority of the puzzle is at a very appropriate difficulty level; I send my apologies for three or four of them.

I am hoping to have Windwitch, Sightwitch, and Bloodwitch up before Witchshadow comes out next year. I am banana's excited for Witchshadow.

Last week's puzzle was for The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and you can find the answer sheet for that right here! Next week's puzzle is The Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu, and the Truthwitch answer sheet will be there once it is posted! Here is a link!

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ā€œShe has bent the world and shaped it into something 25 Across.ā€

ā€œAnd Merik returned to his brain with a sickening certainty that 29 Across and His 41 Across  laughed at him from the bottom of the sea.ā€

ā€œWe were only twelve years old, and Iseult 50 Across me without any thought for herself.ā€

ā€œIt wasnā€™t 80 Across she wanted. It was belief in somethingā€”a prize big enough to run for and to fight for and to keep on reaching toward no matter what.ā€

ā€œTwist and 39 Down. Threads that break. Threads that die.ā€


5. Female deity invoked across cultures (2 words)

9. Burned the entire eastern seaboard of Nubrevna 

16. What Safi is meant to escape the party on

17. Merikā€™s fatherā€™s ship

18. Three-word phrase beginning with wells (2 words)

19. Tasked with finding Safi

22. What was on the sign the Purist held

24. Safi is surprised to find out that Merick is one of these

26. Corlant hits Iseult with one of these (2 words)

30. Country that needs food

34. People repeatedly refer to Aeduan as this due to being a void witch

35. Red-leather book that Kullen reads (7 words)

40. Healer monk

43. Niharā€™s are famous for these

44. This type of witch can speak through a counterpart over great distances

45. What Hell-Bards search for

47. Merik wants to open Nubrevna up to more of this

49. Aeduanā€™s seasickness caused the sailors to think that Bloodwitches cannot do this (2 words)

52. Steady and thoughtful

53. Desperate to save his people

54. Capital of Nubrevna

56. Impulsive and bold

58. Color of guilt threads

61. The Puppeteer can control threads that have been ____

62. Matthew owns this kind of business (2 words)

63. Built by Dalmotti Earthwitches (two words)

64. When people lie to Safi her magic tell her this

65. Safi throws knives into this part of the sea fox

66. Evrane is a waterwitch one of these

67. Almaā€™s gray mare

68. Disgraced Hell-Bard 

70. Where Merik is meant to take Safi

72. Mercenary group tied to the Cahr Awen (singular) (2 words)

74. Is meant to be leading the Midenziā€™s

75. Defining trait of Safiā€™s Uncle

77. Prince Leopoldā€™s nickname

78. Amount of threads Aeduan has 

79. Cards Ryber has upon meeting Safi

81. Safiā€™s half of the repeated two words to describe Safi and Iseultā€™s behavior. 


1. Invocation used to express frustration or surprise (3 words)

2. Gretchyaā€™s addictive gift to Iseult

3. This is ending soon when it does the war resumes (2 words)

4. Nubrevnan royal family

6. The perfect threadwitch

7. The Foxes are Nubrevnan these

8. Ship girl (2 words)

10. Origin Well of Nubrevna (2 words)

11. Firewitch who trains Safi and Iseult

12. Aeduan tracks this of others

13. Who poisoned the Nubrevnan coast and rivers

14. The Janaā€™s voicewitch

15. A young Threadwitch who cannot make threadstones who abandoned her tribe

20. Surname that indicated you are a part of the settlement Corlant has taken over (2 words)

21. Iseult wakes up after being healed to find they are under attack by this organization (3 words)

23. Who tainted the soil of Nubrevna 

27. Personal guards of the Marstoki Empress

28. Alix is the this for silk (2 words)

31. Master huntsman who leads a small militia 

32. Iseult does this kind of math in her head to distract from her emotions

33. Corlant is this, indicating he is linked to the void

36. Safi and Iseultā€™s hiding place

37. Iseult pretends she has this to get Corlant out of the room

38. Safiā€™s title

42. Commonly used word indicating greeting or assent

44. Wears iron shackles on her wrists

45. Ryber and Kullen, Matthew and Habim

46. Color of Ryberā€™s eyes

48. Wordwitch

49. Nickname for the man whom Safi wishes to break every bone in his face (2 words)

51. Safi and Merik do this at the ball

55. Where Gretchya and Alma are going

57. Position Merik temporarily has

59. What Aeduan says to get Iseult into the cupboard (2 words)

60. People whose magic goes out of control

66. Emperor of Cartorra

69. Iseultā€™s half of the repeated two words to describe Safi and Iseultā€™s behavior.

71. Body of water in the Dalmotti Empire (2 words)

72. Empire Safi is from

73. Empress Vaness is the Destroyer of this Pass

76. Merikā€™s threadbrother (2 words)

78. Iseult, Gretchya, Alma, Aeduan

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