Review: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Review: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

This is at least my third read of this book but it is entirely possible I have read it more times than that. This is more a ‘Bayley gushes about The Hunger Games (with SPOILERS)’ than a full review, though there is some analysis.

I always remember how much I love this series, and of course this book on its own, but going back and rereading the book is the only way to really remember and re-experience just how much enjoyment and anxiety this book delivers. And oh my does this book still deliver. My heart was literally pounding at times, I picked it up last night and have read it every available second since, if this is how it impacts me after multiple reads and having watched the movie last week (probably for the 15th time or something else nuts) then I have no idea how my heart did not explode when I first read this between 7 and 9 years ago.

Clearly, I still think this book is fantastic.

I adore Katniss. She is competent and headstrong and fierce while also being incredibly kind to people who have broken through her very grumpy shell. But Katniss isn't a paragon of heroism, she has flaws and she is callous and it horrible incompetent with emotions. She is so well rounded as a character, Collins does such a good job getting your heartbeat to sync with Katniss'. I am constantly lowkey annoyed at people who say 'I love those books but I hate Katniss' because I do not understand this. The whole series is you deeply knowing this girl who refuses to open herself up to others, you understand her thoughts even when you would be making vastly different decisions. You would probably have ended up dead, Katniss gets shit done even if it is going to haunt her for forever. I am obsessed.

This was literally the first time ever that I have been interested in Gale at all. I am still way in favor of Peeta, and I still thing Mockingjay Gale is going to seem unforgivable to me, but I actually kind of understood Gale a bit better. I don't know if that is age or if that is that I just watched the movie and he is much more annoying in the movie so in comparison I did not mind him so much. Seeing him through Katniss' eyes again might have softened me a tab bit.

Still, love sweet adorable Peeta. That boy is so soft and squishy and I love it. He is also smart, respects women, is personable, bakes, and can decorate a cake. The perfect human.

Let's just assume I enjoy all the character in different ways so I don't have to type for the next few hours.

I am legitimately excited and nervous for Catching Fire. Suzanne Collins is such a master of suspense. I should not be able to feel this way when I know what is coming for me. But I most certainly do.

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads.

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