Uprooted by Naomi Novik

Uprooted by Naomi Novik

I loved this book. I do love a lot of books but this book is special. Reading it felt like I should be running to the end to find out how the plot wraps up, but at the same time, I wanted to go as slow as possible to hang out with these characters for as long as I possibly could. The story felt like an old European fairy tale that had always been there, but it also felt very new and it did not run the predictable well-trodden path. I knew in the first few pages I would love this book, but with each layer put upon this book, it became even more special. The book was so full of story it felt like I had read multiple books. And I so wish I had more of this story, while also feeling like it ended perfectly.
I listened to the audiobook while I have been packing and moving so I will need to buy a physical copy because I loved it so much. Unfortunately, it seems very hard to locate a hardcover. Which is annoying. But again, I love this book so much. Can’t wait to read more Novik.

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads and finished it on August 4th, 2018. 

Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink,  Jeffrey Cranor

Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink,  Jeffrey Cranor