A Darkness Strange and Lovely

A Darkness Strange and Lovely

Part of me doesn’t know if steampunk is my thing and the other part of me wants to dive into whatever steampunk I can find and check for sure.
But this book was so much fun, the stressful kind of fun, but still fun.
I accidentally spoiled myself on who the big bad was in this book, but I still really enjoyed watching the plot unfold and yelling at everyone to GTFaway from the evil.
It’s so great to read the way Susan Dennard builds characters. I started reading her second series (so later in her career) but in this series, she really deftly shows you a lot about the characters very quickly.
Side note: I really wish I had bought hardcovers of this series. Or that at least my paperbacks matched. I have book one in new cover and books 2 and 3 in old cover. Also, I am 100% inspired to dive back into Gail Carriger. She does similar time period steampunk and I keep having to put the books down because I am so stressed about those dramatic ass fictional ass werewolves. But right now I shall continue my non-werewolf series.

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads and read it on April 3rd, 2018. It is July so I am clearly behind.

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