Beyond the Night by Alexandra Bracken

This is the final story in Through the Dark, I was very excited to read it! Both for a wrap on Sam’s story and so I could read The Darkest Legacy. 

Beyond the Night was much longer than the first two, which was great because there was a lot more information being presented to the reader. It took me about a chapter to get fully into the story but by the end oh man was I in it. I cried like three times in the last chapter and am now dealing with a headache.
Sam and Mia and Lucas were such wonderful people to spend this series wrap up/ transition to The Darkest Legacy with. They were interesting and heartbreaking and raw as all good Alex Bracken characters are. I love how she presses you right into the fact that they were ripped from their lives as children.
And I am a massive sucker for the whole “power of stories on our lives” thing. Clearly, most book people are very into that.

I gave this book five stars on Goodreads and finished reading it on September 12, 2018. 

The Darkest Legacy by Alexandra Bracken *SPOILERS AT THE END*

The Darkest Legacy by Alexandra Bracken *SPOILERS AT THE END*