In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken

In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken

I originally started reading this book on Oct 8, 2014, and only read nine chapters, misplaced my copy, found it, then had it “next” for almost four years.
You would think I would have forgotten more than I have. I would still like to reread books 1 and 2 (along with the AMAZING short stories, no one writes a short story like this woman. They kill you) both of which I read in 2014. I picked this back up because of the movie trailer, and I figured I might not like it very much because of the four-year gap, I assumed I would be confused or forget characters. This was not the case. I had been remembering Jude for the four years, wanting to know how Ruby handled her responsibilities. Wanting to hug Zu, and see Liam and Chubs. And looking forward to Vida being an asshole. The nice kind tho. The characters in this series are amazing; come for kids with superpowers stay for the southern charm.
There was not an emotional disconnect for me at all. I stopped counting how many times I cried at 6. That was a little more than halfway. Bracken can really punch you hard. Lady has no boundaries. It’s great.
I LOVED that these kids cussed. There is wayyy to much YA that has older teens who literally kill people but cannot say “ass”, every time someone said “fuck” I was delighted.
I have one more story from Through the Dark (I think only one) and Liam’s story is in my inbox somewhere then I’m going to be pretty bummed to be all done with Alexandra Bracken. Until July 31st I guess. Can’t wait to get inside Zu’s head.

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads and read it on April 1st, 2018. It is July so I am clearly behind.

A Dawn Most Wicked by Susan Dennard

A Dawn Most Wicked by Susan Dennard