These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

Clearly, I love this book. I have officially read it three times but I am pretty sure if you count the times I read parts of this book it would go up to five.
I am going to start with what I don’t like about this book. I do not enjoy the trope of the main female character being privileged but morally above all that surrounds her, and Lilac is this trope (and obviously much more). She and Tarver talk about how vapid and thoughtless all that surround her are in a way that isn’t very nuanced. Every time I read this book that bothers me. I don’t like the fact that she has a nose that isn’t surgically enhanced is shown as a moral win, and something in increase her beauty, and I don’t love when the female main character describes herself in a way that is clearly HOT and she has no idea. This trope would work if she was riddled with confidence issues, but Lilac doesn’t have traits that are very compatible with this. She has plenty of complexes, but I just feel like she would be aware of her own beauty.
But this book is much more than that. I really really like this book. Duh, I read it ALL THE TIME. This is a YA sci-fi romance, with emphasis on the romance. The sci-fi plot is fun and intricate and spans three books in a giant puzzle that is so much fun to piece together as the story unfolds. I love the way layers of plot are slowly added making you connect dots and tie pieces together. It is wonderful. But this romance is sweeping. It really is all-encompassing, and because they are literally the only two people on a planet together constantly having to work to keep themselves and each other alive that all-consuming nature of their relationship is not unhealthy or unrealistic feeling. They are compatible and in a traumatic situation, duh they form a very strong bond. That is literally how bonds are formed. They have to connect to be functioning humans and their connection builds throughout the book. I really love them. I also love the other two books. As soon as I unpack my books I should dive into those books.

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads and reread it on August 16th, 2018. 

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