This Star Won't go Out


By Esther Earl

Quick side note, I reread The Fault in Our Stars before reading this, I am not counting that reread into my 50 books (unless I find I am short at the end of 2014 and the number of books I reread makes the final total 50, then I will delete this bit). 

So I finished this book a few days ago after doing nothing but reading it going to class and sleeping once for a day and a half. But I didn’t immediately write my little pseudo review because this book gave me to much to think about before I could write this. I knew I loved it, I knew that about 50 words in and by the first journal entry written by Esther I knew I would not be putting the book down but the book really make you think about everything, so I thought for a long time. 

This book is the most personal thing I have read probably ever. The journal and blog entry’s of Esther’s make it feel as if Esther Earl is confiding her closest secrets with you, it almost makes you feel as if Esther is your closest friend- a talent her actual friends and family say she had when she was actually talking/typing with someone. It gave me the weirdest feeling that I never knew her and would never be afforded the opportunity to know her but that reading this book gave me a sense of incredible closeness that an autobiography had never given me before. I cannot really find the right words for my thoughts so I will just continue. This entire book will make you fall in love with Esther Earl, a girl who had so many things to be sad about but still managed to find joy in the world. 

This book will have you laugh out loud then sob hysterically then it will make you think deeply about your own impact on the people around you. It is a beautiful book both in content and the physical book. It is in full color, with almost every page having some sort of color on it, and it had full color photographs and drawings by Esther. It shows her journal entries in her handwriting and has works of fiction Esther began to write. The entire book celebrates the life of an amazing person who continues to touch the hearts of everyone who encounters her, even if it is just her words they encounter. 

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