Sightwitch by Susan Dennard

Sightwitch by Susan Dennard

I’m not totally sure how to rate this. Mostly because I’m still a little confused as to what exactly happened. Which is a weird feeling and looking at reviews it just seems to be me. So clearly I missed something. Probably many somethings. I will most likely be rereading this before Bloodwitch next year.
When I understood what was happening I really liked it! But there was a bit in middle that kind of baffled me. Maybe I took to long to actually read the book? No idea. Or I listened to the other two books and read this one? My brain might have just not melded the spoken story with the written one?
I loved the expansion of Ryber and the world in general. Bummed we didn’t get more Kullen, he gets kinda fucked earlier on and I was hoping to get some happy Kullen before the world comes to get him. And I really liked the new information about how the world has gone to shit. And more about Baile. As a Bayley, I’m a big fan of her. And she didn’t seem super bloodthirsty here, though I could have been confused.
If I believe is half stars I would probably do 3.5, but I’m not feeling giving it a 4 until I reread it. I totally understood the end? No idea what about the middle confused me. Maybe I was bored?

I had no idea what to rate this on Goodreads and read it on March 18th, 2018. I am starting my reread of this probably tomorrow. I really think I was just kind of sick and it was midterm time. So I did not give this book the kind of openness books need for me to properly sink into them. It is July so I am clearly behind.

I might do a full Witchlands reread. If I decide to do that I will not reread this right away. 

Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard

Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard

The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish

The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish