City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

Upon rereading this one is still my favorite in the series so far! I am fairly certain at least, I do think I loved Glass as well. Looking at reviews saying ‘nothing happened in this one’ leave me wondering if we all read the same book. I think this is the shortest one in the series and it is so full of activity. In my opinion, it wonderfully balanced having already set up ‘the couples’ and still giving us tension and conflict between them. We see characters begin to brush parts of their own minds that will almost unravel their own lives in the next to books. So much future conflict is set up so obviously as future conflict while also having plenty of conflict for this story in its own.
With Maureen we really see the impacts being a vampire will have on Simon (spoiler: for the time being) and with his mother. That story kills me. Alex struggles with Magnus’ immortality and what that means for his place in his heart, it is such a sad thing to think about and it’s so easy to understand his jealousy while also screaming at him to NOT DO THE BAD THING. Clare shakes the rock of Jace and Clary in such an interesting way. I like the evil in this book, it does that wonderful first book in a series thing of giving you one big bad to fight that is gone by the end of the book while that one leaving brings to light the real evil our heroes shall face. I love that thing.
Also, I love Maia and can’t wait to get to more Maia in the next two on this reread. I had forgotten how fraught her storyline sort of is. I really had forgotten so much about what happens in these books. So excited for the next two.

I rated this 5 stars on Goodreads and finished my reread on August 11th, 2018. 

TMI Reread Continues!

Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink,  Jeffrey Cranor

Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink,  Jeffrey Cranor