City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

July 2018 reread:
So much happened in this book. It is a wonder I did not forget more of the details than I did. I am very excited to continue with my reread!
It only made me cry one time (I think when Clary and Jocelyn had their nice conversation), which was a tiny bit of a bummer. But sometimes when you know how things end the things that should make you sad donā€™t work quite as well. Especially when you keep flipping ahead to make sure. You should stop doing this for your own good.
I still really love Simon. I love his friendship with Clary. I am more interested in the Clary Sebastian relationship than I was my first reading of the story. I am never really the kind of person who likes the villain (especially when the villain isnā€™t the main character. If it is like a Young Elites situation than I am down for a villain), so I donā€™t like love Sebastian or anything. Also, I just donā€™t want to be an apologist for a child killing fascist, but thatā€™s just me. But I was more interested in thinking about the way his mind worked.
It is fun seeing the beginnings of characters we would get to know quite well later on in the massive series of series. The Penhallows made me especially interested.
I wish I could write more but I have the brain buzzing feeling that comes all to often after a book and writing about the book does not seem to be lessening the buzz.

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads and finished this reread on July 23rd, 2018. 

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